Dividend Details As on : 21-Aug-2024

Company Name Announcement Date Dividend Date Dividend Amount Dividend Per(%) Descirption
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd 21-Aug-2024 28-Nov-2024 60 600 Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today, inter alia, have recommended a final dividend of Rs. 60 per equity share, for the financial year ended June 30, 2024. The dividend shall be paid by December 25, 2024, on approval of the Members
Gillette India Ltd 29-Aug-2024 26-Nov-2024 45 450 We are pleased to further inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today, inter alia, have recommended a dividend of Rs. 45 per Equity Share (Nominal Value of Rs. 10/- each), for the Financial Year ended June 30, 2024. The
Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd 28-Aug-2024 19-Nov-2024 95 950 We are pleased to inform you that the Board at its meeting held today, recommended a final dividend of Rs. 95 per equity share for the financial year ended June 30,2024. The register of members and share transfer books shall remain closed from Wednesda
Chambal Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd 06-Nov-2024 19-Nov-2024 5 50 Board Meeting Outcome for Declaration Of Interim Dividend In continuation to our letter no. CFCL/SE/2024-25/102 dated November 6, 2024, filed earlier today, we would like to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held tod
Gujarat Pipavav Port Ltd 06-Nov-2024 19-Nov-2024 4 40
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